Monday, July 25, 2011

Xin Chap Lai + Pastries

If you ever wonder how this blogname came about, the truth is there's no explanation to it.

It all started when we were in Genting Highlands (you know, the one with the cable cars, theme park and not-so-cold-anymore weather), there was this vietnamese restaurant which we had dinner at.

Sorry, we sriously can't recall the name of the restaurant!

And there it was, "XIN CHAP LAI" written on the board of some pillar (quoted by Evelyn)...
It was Vietnamese, of course we didn't have a clue of what it meant (because we're chinese, duhhhh)

Sounded funny, hence we were making fun of the xin chap lai otw until now... :D

As for Pastries- Sorry, I can't tell :P * Psssttttt, sensitive issue *
another alternative, we love pastries.... there're super YUMMY!!! acceptable?

told you a tad too much isn't it? adios people from our imaginery world



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